Thursday, March 29, 2007

Duping Grandma

About a week ago my son Oliver hit the mail jackpot when we received a toy catalog from Target. He didn’t need to ask who this priceless piece of mail was for; rather he knew that anything containing pictures of toys must belong to him. After settling into a comfy chair he began to carefully page through the catalog in a trance-like state. Then once he reached the end he started over again, but this time he stopped to show me the toys that he was exceptionally fond of and “needed to have.”

The most desired toy on Oliver’s list was the pinart toy and fortunately for him, Grandma was coming to visit in less than a day. Grandmas are natural suckers for their sweet little grandsons, especially when their grandsons are experts at playing the manipulation game. After some giant hugs, gentle kisses and well practiced words, my charming son was able to lure his Grandmother to Target so that he could collect his booty.

Oliver now owns this pinart toy and he has not stopped playing with it. At first, like most people, he used his body parts to make art, and then he moved on to using other toys to make shapes in the pins. He now treats the toy more like an instrument and constantly flips the thing back and forth so that the plastic pins go in and out sounding much like a baby’s rattle….I think I could tolerate it more easily, if it truly were a rattle. Thanks Grandma….

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